Día de “La Paz”
Paz en Las Islas Galapagos Hoy Dia Internacional de la Paz, a traves de la Asamblea General de Las Naciones Unidas, quien declara desde 1981 al 21 de septiembre de cada año. Celebrando asi el DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA PAZ.Cabe recordar unos de los conflictos mas importantes de nuestra historia como la 2da Guerra Mundial y […]
Cold Season for Cool Activities The Galapagos cool season (also known as the Galapagos dry season or Garua season) occurs from June through November. This time of year, Galapagos average temperatures range from the mid 70’s Fahrenheit (21 Celsius) to the low 60’s Fahrenheit (16 Celsius). During the cool season the southern Humboldt and […]
Lobster Season
Lobster season has started. Are you ready? The Galapagos archipelago is home to different marine species and among them the Galapagos lobster, of which we will find two species on the islands; the red lobster, (Panulirus penicillatus) and the green lobster (Panulirus gracillus). The fishing sector and the environmental authority agree on a period of five months of capture. The opening is based on the […]